Excavating a large WW2 underground command post is very hard work. On the second day of the dig and after two days of hard work we have just scratched the surface of this very large underground WW2 structure.

Despite the excavator having done a tremendous job yesterday our main task until now has been focused on clearing rubble from the 1950´s -1990´s that covers the excavation area. This hard work has mostly been done by using shovels not trowels.

After the top layers have been removed and at a depth of some one meters below ground WW2 period finds have slowly started to emerge. The finds include important structural remains of the command post itself as well as a variety of small finds.

Quite a large number of small finds were encountered in the soil that filled up the interior of the structure. The finds included items related to the daily life of the soldiers occupying and performing their daily duties inside the command post as well as outside of it.

Tomorrow our team will again get help from an excavator. After this we will probably be able to pinpoint the exact area of the command post where we are conducting our research. After this we will be able to continue our work ”room by room”.