New scientific WW2 battlefield archaeology excavations coming up this autumn. The registration fee is only 20 euros for five days (you can participate for as many days as you want). No previous experience of WW2 conflict archaeology is needed. Children under 14 years of age can participate in the company of an adult. Register Now!
Excavations of the frontlines near Hanko Front Museum September 22nd to 26th (Wednesday to Sunday)

Earlier in July 2021 very interesting finds turned up during the trial excavations of frontline positions near the Hanko Front Museum where the burnt remains of an underground shelter was found and documented.

This excavation is a direct continuation of the previous excavation.
Excavations of the underground command centre of General Sergei Kabanov October 1st to 5th 2021 (Friday to Tuesday)

In May 2021 the remains of the massive underground command centre of Soviet General Sergei Kabanov was found in a park in central Hanko.

This excavation is a trial excavation and predecesses large scale excavations of the massive and historically significant remains in 2022 and 2023.
Both excavations are organized by Hangö Sommaruni but you can register immediately by sending us an email to j[email protected]
We are also happy to help out with any possible questions you might have regarding the upcomin fieldwork. Please contact Hanko tourism office for information about cheap accomodation in Hanko